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Drink up

Joel Jaqubino, 11/9/2018

Women’s rights end where Conservative politics begin. I say this to mean that the left is always seeking to position themselves as the crusader for women’s rights. But when a left wing propagandist gets physical with a young female intern to the White House, well she has it coming.

I watched the Acosta kerfuffle as it happened. I recognized what was a troubling example of a man being aggressive toward a young lady just doing her job. Now the focus is on whether or not Sarah Sanders shared a sped up or edited version. It shouldn’t be. Just find the unadulterated version. If you don’t have a problem with what you see with the exchange between Acosta and the intern, then you’ve got your blinders on.

In an age where mere allegations alone, without any supporting evidence, are enough to seek to derail an overly qualified man for the Supreme Court, you’d think an actual video would raise huge bells. But it doesn’t.

Why not? Because the left has gone batshit crazy. Today’s left would follow Acosta like the faithful followers of Jim Jones. Only they wouldn’t just drink the kool aid, they’d be helping to mix it in the back.



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