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Writer's pictureHard Change

Jemel Roberson

Jemel Roberson deserves justice.

What do we do when a good guy with a gun stops a bad guy with a gun and then gets killed by a “good guy” with a gun?

By most accounts I’ve read the last 2 days, Jemel Roberson was a young father. He was working and raising a child and looking forward to another on the way. Jemel was working as security at a bar when he stopped a shooter. Law enforcement responded and within a short period of time, Jemel was dead.

This isn’t the first time a law-abiding citizen was killled by law enforcement while carrying a gun. It also isn’t the first time it happens to be that he was African-American.

I am a gun owner. I hunt and I also carry for personal and family protection. I’d like to think if an event ever occurred calling for me to intervene to save human life, I’d jump in and do so. Jemel did that and he did it in the course of his employment.

Conservatives need to seek for justice whenever we can. A good guy with a gun, black, white, brown, etc... deserves the same treatment and the law enforcement officer needs to be held accountable.

This brings me to a larger discussion that Republicans are not willing to have. It’s a conversation and acknowledgement that there is institutionalized racism. That interactions for black men and women with law enforcement is different than for white men and women. Yes, we can pick examples where whites have been killed by police. But we have to stop ignoring what is so clearly in front of our faces.

I don’t have the answers. What I do have is empathy and a quest for understanding and learning. It’s a start and I hope others will join me.


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