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Writer's pictureHard Change

Just think

Joel Jaqubino, November 4, 2018

One of the common things I’ve seen over the years in the punk and hardcore scenes is a shifting sea of group think. What I mean is that from time to time you will get a prevalent view that seems to take up the scene. Now obviously not everyone, but it becomes accepted and you see a coalescing around it. The current group think seems to focus on what I call ignorant communism. It’s this pie in the sky vision of something completely detached from historical context and facts.

I make no apologies for being a capitalist. Capitalism has been great for me and my family. I earn more, I can get more, and give more. I educate myself and opportunity becomes much more readily available.

A core flaw of modern day hipster communism is a self defeating view that, this is as good as its gonna get on my own so I might as well look to the State to provide. Communist States have been responsible for millions of deaths. Not to say Capitalist nations haven’t killed their fair share in wars and with policy, but the misery of the collect under Communism far outpaces any Capitalist nation.

Under a free market system the majority of working individuals have the freedom to leave a job they abhor. To be mobile and seek out new opportunity is a benefit of such as system. Under communism you’re more or less a cog in a wheel and you remain there, or you suffer. Consider the limitations in China placed on rural workers seeking to move to an urban center. It’s easy for these suburban, mostly white, kids to champion a system while on their iPhones with free and open internet, while sitting in their Uber, sipping on a $6 latte. But would they trade it all for a day in the life of State run factory worker in South America? I’d bet not.

These may just be ramblings of a mad man, drinking my $5 coffee, but all I ask is that people step back and think. Investigate and dig. We have at our hands something our parents never envisioned. Instant access to information, both good and bad.



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