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Writer's pictureHard Change

Progressive, ha, sure you are.

Updated: Nov 11, 2018

Joel Jaqubino, 11/11/2018

What’s scary right now in politics is not Trump. Why? Because in 2 years he can be voted out of office if that’s the will of the people.

What is scary is this movement gaining momentum in Democrat circles. This idea of making all Federal elections a majority take all system. First, let’s do away with the electoral college. Now, it’s do away with 2 Senators elected for each state.

The sheer ignorance and stupidity of this was displayed by Joy Behar on “The View”. Her assertion she made was a comment about Republican Senators being elected because of gerrymandering. Good grief, this bag of air has no clue how it works and basically pulls from a bag of words to sound intelligent.

Let me educate you briefly. Senators were designed to represent the state governments in the Federal system. They were chosen by the legislature of each state to represent the state’s interest. With the unfortunate adoption of the 17th amendment, Senators became elected in statewide races. It was a populist push in part to move to this method. You may recall that “populism” has a negative connotation these days, and for some good reasons, but that discussion will have to wait until another day.

Regardless of how chosen, Senators are meant to be a check on the populist leanings of Representatives. This is a good thing. A troubling and humorous aspect of the Left calling for this change is that it is exactly a call for MAJORITY RULE. One where the smaller states would have less rights and influence in the chamber, and would be relegated to the “back of the bus”, you see where I’m heading with this? What they are arguing for is the antithesis of what they purport to believe in.

Make no mistake about it. The modern day “Progressive” is by no means an equal opportunist.


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